About the cb-WoFS Forecast Viewer
Background fields
- Operational High Resolution Rapid Refresh Data Assimilation System (HRRRDAS), Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS), and High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) run by the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Prediction Central Operations (NCO) and the NOAA ESRL/Global Systems Laboratory
- An 18-member forecast generated by applying perturbations from members 1-18 of the 0600 UTC GEFS forecast to the hourly output from the 1200 UTC HRRR forecast provides the boundary conditions for the cb-WoFS
- A 1-h, 36-member ensemble forecast launched from the HRRRDAS analysis provides the initial conditions for the cb-WoFS
cb-WoFS configuration
- 36-member, 3-km, WRF-based ensemble using the GSI-EnKF software package for data assimilation (DA) initialized at 1500 UTC
- 15-min DA cycling period with forecasts generated from cb-WoFS analyses
- Observations Assimilated: Conventional (prepbufr), OK Mesonet, MRMS REF/VEL, and CWP/Clear-Sky Radiance Data from the GOES-R Satellite
- Uses the NSSL 2-moment microphysics parameterization and the RUC Land-Surface Model with Radiation (Dudhia/RRTM or RRTMG/RRTMG) and PBL (YSU, MYJ, or MYNN) parameterization diversity
cb-WoFS forecast schedule
- 6-h (3-h), 18-member forecasts generated hourly (half-hourly) from 1700 UTC Day 1 - 0300 UTC Day 2
Real-time storm-scale data assimilation and forecasting experiments
- Hazardous Weather Testbed-Spring Forecasting Experiment (HWT-SFE): 2 May 2022 - 3 June 2022 (M-F and select weekend cases)
- Experimental cb-WoFS runs will also be utilized by various NWSFOs when available during signfiicant severe (i.e. hail, damaging winds, and tornadoes) weather and flash flooding events
Forecasts generated in an HPC cloud environment using AMD EPYC 7742 processor cores as part of ongoing research associated with the Warn-on Forecast Project.